Committed to the proposition that you should always get the most bang for your gaming buck, I offer you a 25-28mm skirmish game for free download. Throughout this site, you'll find information about how you can get more for less, or if you're gonna spend the money, how to get the best for the price.
Unless otherwise noted, all content of this site is copyright 2006 skankgame.com. All contributing authors or artists retain full copyright of their own works. Here are the website's sections: Home - This page will be updated with new additions as they are put up on the site. Downloads - where you can download the game itself, and other items in the future. Galleries - Game Pics, Post-Apocalyptic art, etc. Articles - On a variety of topics from stretching your gaming dollar, to modelling, to the Post-Apocalyptic genre itself, to you name it. Cinema - A review of tons of Post-Apocalyptic movies with commentary on how they might make a good game premise or scenario. Links - Your jumping-off point to a bunch of gaming and non-gaming sites related to this genre. Looking for inspiration, miniatures, or more info? This is the place to start. Have Fun!
Added modelling guides for creating an urban game table covering, how to paint a running rust effect, how to make pre-fab shanties, and how to make multi-story high-rise buildings cheaply in scale. 10-1-07 A whole new section has been added! See the link for "Zombietown" right below the nav panel? That's the link to a game I run around Halloween time every year. It will give you a full breakdown on all of our urban buildings and how they were made. A virtual treasure-trove of more advanced modelling techniques! This link is also will also be available through the articles section.
To be added next: More galleries pics of minis and models, and a new issue of the web comic, where you get to see how the world ends in my campaign. Too much fun to be tolerated! 2-25-07
More Miniatures Pics have been added to the gallery, as well as some Digital art pieces.
Links have been updated and added 11-25-07
Book 2 of the Web Comic is out! If you wanna see the world end, check it out. Now to work on Book 3!... 7-15-08
Book 3 of the Web Comic is finally out! 34 pages completing the "mutie girl" origin saga. 1-1-09
A full miniatures painting tutorial series has been added. There are three new articles available that show you how to paint miniatures from start to finish. Now you get to learn a lot of my secrets! Check out the
section now! 3-16-09
A new catch-all modelling page has been added - modelling Tips & Tricks, which contains several time- and money-saving articles. Also, Chuck now has his own modelling page outlining his own particular style. Check it out for many FALLOUT inspired buildings, vehicles, and miniatures. In the
section now! 9-28-2010
>>>NEWS FLASH ! <<< |